Train Yourself to Think Positive
“When the brain is positive every possible outcome we know how to test for rises dramatically.” — Shawn Achor
“Dramatically” in this sentence means anything from 10 to 35%. Everything means everything — your grades at school, performance at work, health, fitness, sales or the state of your bank account.
Scientists measured everything they were able to measure and the output was always the same:
Positivity = greater results
And it works to train yourself in the morning:
According to research done in conjunction with The Huffington Post, watching just three minutes of negative news in the morning makes viewers 27 percent more likely to report having a bad day six to eight hours later.
Those who watched transformative stories, on the other hand, reported having a good day 88 percent of the time.
It’s the duration of the effect that is remarkable: Nobody is surprised that a positive news story will lift a person’s spirits for a few moments, but the fact that people’s moods are elevated hours later attests to the power of the effect.
Source: The Benefits Of Positive News Ripple Far Beyond The First Smile
Originally published in