One Quick Hack To Be Able to Focus on Online Classess on YouTube

The tool I mention is just for Chrome; the Atomic Habits’ framework it utilizes is universal

Michał Stawicki
2 min readJun 18, 2021


YouTube is not an environment which supports focus and education. Stories like this are the norm on that platform:

I step into YouTube to watch online classes but I often end up with watching music, movies, funny videos, etc. What should I do?

Here is the solution:
Magic Actions for YouTube™

This is a Chrome extension. I have no idea if they are versions for other browsers.

The “magic actions” I use is turning off everything on YT other than the main video. No suggested feed, no comments, nothing that can distract you.

Just you and your online classes.

It’s not a guaranteed solution but it makes it easier to focus on your class and ignore everything else.

In line with the Atomic Habits guidelines you:

-make it obvious to watch the classes

-make distractions invisible

-make it easy to watch the classes

-make it difficult to distract yourself

It works in background without any need for your conscious decision. You significantly increase your chances for studying that way.

Originally published on Quora.



Michał Stawicki

Authorpreneur. Progress fanatic. I help people change their lives… even if they don’t believe they can. I blog on