My Daily Reading Habit
In the morning, as a part of my morning routine, I read fragments of four books that shaped my philosophy. I want to solidify their message in my mind.
I practice speed reading, usually on some self-help or business book, 10 minutes a day. It is not on a fixed schedule. Most of the time, I do it during my commute to/from work, but not always.
Even while speed reading I stop and highlight in my Kindle some interesting fragments, wow moments or great quotes. Sometimes, I add a note to those highlights.
Every day, I also read a book written by a saint for at least 10 minutes as my spiritual exercise. Like with speed reading, I do it mostly during the commute.
However, for that purpose I usually read paperbacks. A pen serves me as a bookmarker and for highlighting some passages. From time to time I note down some thoughts at a margin of a page.
This is my nonfiction routine. If I get more time, I usually read the more stuff on Kindle. I may slow down my speed a bit while doing that, especially if the book is on the complex side of things.
Originally published in