Doable Method of Practicing Your Daily Habits

(Even If You Are Tired or Lazy)

Michał Stawicki


Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay

You don’t need to stay motivated to do your daily habits.
Have a look at this chart:

For any behavior to occur, you need some motivation and ability. If your motivation is insanely high, you can do very hard things. Study for hours. Run a marathon.

If your ability is insanely high, if you are an expert and have done this specific behavior a thousand times already, you need just a pinch of motivation to do whatever you need to do.
In order to succeed, you need to be above the line. The combination of your ability and motivation determines if you will do your daily habits or not.

Stop Focusing on Motivation!

Motivation is fickle. Yet, when people think about developing new habits this is their first, second and last thought: motivation.Yes, you need some motivation.
Nope, motivation alone won’t get you far, especially if you depend solely on it. It’s fickle. It is today and may be gone tomorrow. When it comes to daily habits consistency is crucial. You cannot be consistent…



Michał Stawicki

Authorpreneur. Progress fanatic. I help people change their lives… even if they don’t believe they can. I blog on